Alanna Lorenzon                                                                                                  

with Laura Delaney and Lisa Stewart, Counihan Gallery, as part of Climarte Festival2019

Backdrop, is a series of ‘internal’ landscape studies presented as a collaborative installation of works on paper and video. Backdrop investigates the ways that conceptions of landscape are informed by emotions, desires and cultural conditioning. Working with the outer world to reveal the inner, artists Laura Delaney, Alanna Lorenzon and Lisa Stewart invert the tradition of Western landscape painting to study the shared space between the mind and the natural world. Across their works, the artists reflect upon the objectification of the natural world and respond from their personal points of separation or connection to the landscapes that have shaped them.

Edges, Textures, Mystery is a series of graphite drawings depicting a textural world that exists somewhere between a landscape and mindscape. The title is taken from the work of eco-psychologists Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, who through their research sought to identify the special qualities that draw humans to nature. ‘Edges, Textures, Mystery’ similarly investigates the effect natural places have on human hearts, bodies and minds. The detailed and time-dense quality of the marks suggest a slowing down of time, and a consideration of the layered, sensual and mysterious qualities of natural environments. Through this work I explore the tension between creating a two dimensional drawing that objectifies and fixes a lanscape in place and the desire to enter into the world and to intermingle with natural phenomena.